Post crime support
England, Wales
Percentage (%)
For more information on what is covered under 'support', please see source information below.
Percentage of victims who wanted and received support
Crime Survey for England and Wales
Office for National Statistics
England and Wales
2014/15 - 2018/19
Support includes some of the types of information, advice, or support people need after being the victim of a crime. This includes:
Chance to talk to someone either formally or informally
Help with reporting the incident/dealing with the police
Help with insurance or compensation claims
Help related to the case going through the Criminal Justice System (e.g. attending court, giving evidence, etc.)
Financial support
Other practical help (e.g. clearing up, making a list of what was stolen, fitting locks)
Help accessing other services (e.g. health care, housing, refuge)
Information on the progress of the case or how the Criminal Justice System works
Information on preventing further crime
Something else