Social housing waiting lists
Not comparable as measure is number of households not individuals on social housing waiting lists.
For further information on the coverage of each country's waiting lists, please see source information below.
In Wales, individuals can be on more than one waiting list.
Number of households on local authorities' housing waiting lists
Local Authority Housing Statistics
Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government
2009 - 2018
Figures are unaudited by local authorities.
Social rented sector waiting list - total applicants
Northern Ireland Housing Statistics
Department for Communities
Northern Ireland
2008/09 - 2017/18
The waiting list figures cover new applicants only i.e. those with no existing NIHE/HA tenancy.
Allocations figures are based on offers accepted 1 April - 31 March.
Waiting list figures for 2011-12 were extracted on 1st May 2012 due to the implementation of a new electronic Housing Management System.
Due to the introduction of the new Housing Management System and a change to the annual renewal process for applicants the number of waiting list applicants for 2011-12 (at 31 March) is considered to be a signifigant undercount.
Number of adults on housing lists
Scottish Household Survey
Scottish Government
2013 - 2018
The estimated share of households on a housing list has been calculated based on responses from the random adult but weighted to make it representative of households. This methodology is likely to slightly under-estimate the true figure due to assumptions. Results for 2018 are based on the percentage of respondents who indicated that they were on at least one housing list, whether through a Council, Registered Social Landlord (RSL) or a Common Housing Register (CHR). To convert the SHS estimate into the corresponding number of adults, the SHS percentage is multiplied by the estimated adult population.this estimate does not include children and that, where an adult is responsible for a child, the child will effectively also be on a housing list.