Concentration of the PRS
Percentage (%)
We are exploring the comparability of data across years in England.
Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland do require landlords to register so there are administrative sources, but these are not used to produce publicly available statistics at present.
We are also exploring the existence of data about the percent of properties that are owned by landlords with various numbers of properties, rather than the percent of landlords owning given numbers of properties.
Percentage of landlords, by number of rental property owned
English Private Landlord Survey
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
2001 - 2018
More detailed breakdowns for high numbers of tenancies are available in 2003 and 2010, as well as 2001 with different breakdowns. 2006 data is available with different breakowns. We are exploring the comparability of data across years.
The 2018 sample is drawn from the landlords/letting agency tenancies whose details and deposits are held in the three government backed tenancy deposit schemes. This does not cover all private rented tenancies so the analysis is subject to non-representativeness issues.
Earlier survey iterations will have different sampling frames.
Chapter 1 in data source.