Temporary Accommodation
Number of households (000s), Percentage(%)
For the overall data (i.e. without dependent children or equivalent), these are more comparable than the data with dependent children or equivalent.
For the overall data (i.e. without dependent children or equivalent), these are more comparable than the data with dependent children or equivalent. However, the overall recommendation is to NOT compare data due to the following reasons (quoted from the following report: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/housing/articles/ukhomelessness/2005to2018#temporary-accommodation):
"Legislative differences across the UK as to whether priority need is taken into account for temporary accommodation influences the ability to compare data, particularly for households with dependent or expected children." AND "Overall, differences in reporting time frames, such as snapshot data or placements over time, and reporting categories, such as types of accommodation and length of stay, are key challenges to making direct and robust comparisons between UK temporary accommodation data."
Total number of households in TA; Number of households by type of temporary accommodation provided
Homelessness statistics
Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
2018 Q2 to 2022 Q2
2018 Q2
Data available under "Statutory homelessness" header within link
Missing or incomplete data. Particular figures have been suppressed where local authorities provided erroneous information.
Total figures are presented rounded to the nearest 10 households.
Totals may not equal the sum of components because of rounding.
Households in temporary accommodation; Households in temporary accommodation, by type of accommodation
Homelessness statistics
Scottish Government
2001 to 2002 - 2021 to 2022
2001 to 2002
In all instances (apart from the "Households in temporary accommodation" column (col F)), figures have been rounded to the nearest 5 for disclosure control purposes.
2019 household estimate data used for households data (https://www.nrscotland.gov.uk/statistics-and-data/statistics/statistics-by-theme/households/household-estimates). 2018 data used for 2018; 2019 data used for 2019 etc. Also, 2019 data used for 2020.
Total households in TA at the end of quarter; Households accommodated temporarily by accommodation type
Households accommodated temporarily by accommodation type and household type (Post 2015-16)
Welsh Government
April 2015 to June 2015 - January 2022 to March 2022
April 2015 to June 2015
Disclosure control has been applied to the data. All figures less than 3 have been supressed and appear as missing. All other figures are rounded independently to the nearest 3. As a result, there may be a difference between the sum of the constituent items and the total.
Household estimate data used for households data (https://statswales.gov.wales/Catalogue/Housing/Households/Estimates/households-by-localauthority-year). Used 2018 data for all 4 quarters of 2018; 2019 data for all 4 quarters of 2019 etc. Also, used 2019 data for 2020 Q1.
See additional notes flagged by "!" symbol on data table at linked source.